sem glossary

 SEM PPC Terminology

1. What is internet marketing or online marketing?

Internet marketing, or online marketing, refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce, in addition to sales, leads from Web sites or emails.

2. What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. The promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media.

3 .What Is Search Marketing?

Ans: Search marketing is the process of gaining traffic and visibility from search engines through both paid and unpaid efforts.

Search Marketing encompasses:

    SEO: Earning traffic through unpaid or free listings
    SEM: Buying traffic through paid search listings

4. What Is SEM?

Ans: Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. 

Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages (or SERPs). Advertisers bid on keywords that users of services such as Google and Bing might enter when looking for certain products or services, which gives the advertiser the opportunity for their ads to appear alongside results for those search queries.

5. What is PPC?

Ans. PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. PPC means Pay Per Click. It’s a marketing strategy to drive traffic to our website via search engines and partner sites. Advertiser will only pay if he receives the visit click on his ads.

6. What Is Social Media Marketing?

Ans:Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing is an approach used to develop activities aimed at changing or maintaining people's behaviour for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole.

7.What do you understand by AdWords?

Ans. Google designed AdWords with an aim to assist in marketing product and services in a search engine and its affiliated sites. It places a text ad that appears when people search for phrases associated with your offering.

The traffic that comes via Google AdWords or ‘Pay per Click’ is dealt differently. The organic traffic often visits the website for information, whereas the traffic through PPC ads knows what they are clicking on and what they want to buy. Therefore, few visitors coming via AdWords might be more valuable than the organic traffic.

Google AdWords work on the basis of a bidding system. For instance, if the bidding price is higher, your ad will appear on top of the Google page. Working on the ‘pay per click’ model, you only pay the amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad that appears on Google SERPs.

8. Types of Advertising in SEM.

Google AdWords:

Search Network

Display Network 

Shopping Product Listing Ads (PLA)


YouTube Remarketing

Universal App


Dynamic Ad

New call-only ad

Yahoo! Bing Network:

Bing Search Network


Dynamic Ad


Facebook Remarketing



SEM Terms

1. Ad Campaign: 

A set of ad groups that contain ads, keywords and bids. You can have one or multiple ad campaigns. It’s generally what you first set-up when you advertise, and it helps you organize your different paid advertising efforts. 

2. Campaign Types: 

 Campaign types determine where customers see your ads and the settings and options available to you.

Search Network, Display Network,  Shopping, Video, Universal App

3. Campaign Goal: 

When you select a goal, you’ll see suggested campaign settings aimed to help you obtain that goal. Each campaign can use only one goal. Keep in mind the goal you choose should be the main thing you want to achieve for your business.

Search Network:

Display Network: 



Universal App:

4. Google Search Partners: 

Google search partners are sites in the Search Network that partner with Google to show ads on their search results. like google maps, yahoo,

5. Ad Group

A set of keywords, ads, bids, placements and targeting methods. Each ad campaign contains one or more ad groups. A set of keywords, ads, and bids that is a key part of how your account is organized. Each campaign is made up of one or more ad groups, while each ad group typically includes about 5-10 keywords.

How to set up Adwords campaign and keyword selection.

6. Keyword:  

KW(s), these are word or phrases you select that are highly relevant to your product or service to help determine where and when your ads appear.

7. Keyword Match Type

When bidding on a keyword in your PPC campaigns, you need to choose a keyword match type.

a.Broad match
b.Broad match modifier
c.Phrase match
d.Exact match
e.Negative Match Types

a.Broad match: Broad match is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned. Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. So if your keyword is “women’s hats,” someone searching for “buy ladies hats” might see your ad. 

b.Broad match modifier: Ads may show on searches that contain the modified term (or close variations, but not synonyms), in any order.

    Symbol: +keyword
    Example keyword: +women's +hats
    Example search: hats for women

c.Phrase match: Ads may show on searches that match a phrase, or are close variations of that phrase, with additional words before or after. Ads won't show, however, if a word is added to the middle of the phrase, or if words in the phrase are reordered in any way.

    Symbol: "keyword"
    Example keyword: "women's hats"
    Example search: buy women's hats

d.Exact match: Ads may show on searches that match the exact term or are close variations of that exact term. Close variations here may also include a reordering of words if it doesn’t change the meaning, and the addition or removal of function words (prepositions, conjunctions, articles, and other words that don’t impact the intent of a search).

    Symbol: [keyword]
    Example keyword: [women's hats]
    Example search: hats for women

 e.Negative Match Types

 8Negative keyword or Negative match : Negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns and help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Better targeting can put your ad in front of interested users and increase your return on investment (ROI). For example, when add "free" as a negative keyword to your campaign or ad group, you tell AdWords not to show your ad for any search containing the term "free." On the Display Network, your ad is less likely to appear on a site when your negative keywords match the site's content.

Types of negative keywords

For search campaigns, you can use broad, exact, or phrase match negative keywords. However, these negative match types work differently than their positive counterparts. The main difference is that you'll need to add synonyms, singular or plural versions, misspellings, and other close variations if you want to exclude them.

For Display and Video campaigns, negative keywords are always considered exact match. You won't be able to change the match type for negative keywords you add to Display and Video campaigns.

a. Negative broad match

This type is the default for your negative keywords. For negative broad match keywords, your ad won't show if the search contains all your negative keyword terms, even if the terms are in a different order. Your ad may still show if the search contains only some of your keyword terms.


Negative broad match keyword: running shoes

b. Negative phrase match

For negative phrase match keywords, your ad won't show if the search contains the exact keyword terms in the same order. The search may include additional words, but the ad won't show as long as all the keyword terms are included in the search in the same order.

Negative phrase match keyword: "running shoes"

c. Negative exact match

For negative exact match keywords, your ad won't show if the search contains the exact keyword terms, in the same order, without extra words. Your ad may still show if the search contains the keyword terms with additional words.
Negative exact match keyword: [running shoes]

Keep in mind:

  • Choose your negative keywords carefully. If you use too many negative keywords, your ads might reach fewer customers.
  • Your ad might still show on searches or pages that contain close variations of your negative keyword terms. 
  • Your ad might still show when someone searches for a phrase that's longer than 10 words, and your negative keyword follows that 10th word. Let's say your negative keyword is "discount." Your ad can show when someone searches for "nice clean hotel rooms in Los Angeles close to beach discount" because your negative keyword is the 11th word in the phrase. On the other hand, we won't show your ad when someone searches for "nice clean hotel rooms in Los Angeles beach views discount" because your negative keyword is the 10th word in the phrase.

9. Search term: A list of search terms that people have used before seeing your ad and clicking it. Use this report to refine your keywords so that only the right searches cause your ad to show.  A basic search query is what the user enters when searching on any search engine.  If their search includes the keywords that you are bidding on your ad will appear (depending on match types and all of the other targeting options, of course). 

10. Search Query Report (SQR) – Also known as a “search terms report”, this allows advertisers to review the actual search queries that triggered their PPC ads. This report is great for identifying new profitable keyword ideas and blocking irrelevant queries.

11.Campaign/Ad URL options: Tracking Template: Tracking templates are used for setting up tracking. When your ad is clicked, your tracking template combines with your final URL to create your landing page URL.

12.Custom parameter:  Custom parameters are a kind of URL parameter you can define. They can be used in your final URL and tracking template.

13. Auto tagging:  This automatically adds a parameter to your URL to help you track offline conversions and report on performance in Google Analytics.

 Auto-tagging will attach the “Google Click Identifier” (GCLID) parameter to the URL your customers click, and that will help you tell which ad was clicked for each visit to your site.

TipIf you use an API, the GCLID parameter can also send more information from each click to the Click Performance report of the AdWords API.

Auto-tagging is turned off by default. turn on by going to your account settings.

Click Settings on the left page menu.
Click "Account settings" along the top of the page.
Click the Auto-tagging section. If the box next to “Tag the URL that people click through from my ad” is checked, auto-tagging is on. To turn if off, uncheck the box and click Save.

13.Offline Conversion Tracking: Sometimes, an AdWords ad doesn't lead directly to an online sale, but instead starts a customer down a path that ultimately leads to a sale in the offline world, such as at your office or over the phone. By importing offline conversions, you can measure what happens in the offline world after your ad results in a click or call to your business.

14. Campaign URL Builder(utm builder ): Urchin Tracking Module is a code that attach to a custom URL in order to track a source, medium, and campaign name. This enables Google Analytics to tell where searchers came from as well as what campaign directed them to you.

UTM Builder:

14. Bidding: The maximum amount you are willing to spend per click for ad groups or individual keywords.

15. Bid Management: Managing bids in an attempt to lower your minimum bid through effective keyword grouping and optimization.

16.Bid StrategyBidding is how you pay for people to interact with your ads. A sufficient bid and a good Quality Score will earn your ad a higher rank in ad auctions.

Automated bid strategies:

Target CPA : Sets bids to get the most conversions possible while reaching your average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) goal.

Target ROAS : Sets bids to help you get the most conversion value while maintaining your target return on ad spend (ROAS).

Maximize clicks: Sets bids to help you get the most clicks within your budget.

Maximize conversions : Sets bids to help you get the most conversions within your budget.

Target search page location: Sets bids to help you get your ads to the top of the page or on the first page of search results.

Target outranking share : Sets bids to help you outrank another domain's ads

Enhanced CPC : Adjusts your manual bids up or down to help you increase conversions.

Manual bid strategies:

Manual CPC : You set your own maximum cost-per-click (CPC) for your ads.

17. Budget: The budget column shows your campaign's daily budget. If the campaign draws from a shared budget, then the amount in this column reflects the entire shared budget.

17. Daily budget - Your daily budget is what you’re willing to spend per day per ad.

18. Shared Budgets – AdWords budgeting option that allows advertisers to specify a particular amount for a group of campaigns to spend in a given day. This can be a good way to avoid spreading budget too thin, particularly in smaller accounts.

To set up this function: 

  1. Go to your Shared Library.
  2. Click on “Budgets”.
  3. Select the “+New Budget” button above the columns in the main interface.
  4. Name your new budget.
  5. Select the campaigns to be affiliated with the budget.
  6. Enter in your desired Shared Budget amount.
  7. Select your usual ad delivery options (Standard or Accelerated).
  8. Save your new shared budget.
  9. You can then apply the new budget to your selected campaigns via the usual “Settings” tab in the AdWords interface.

19. Ad extension: Additional incentives that increase the likelihood that users will click your ads. A feature that allows you to display extra information about your business in your ads, such as a phone number, Sitelink extensions, reviews  and more.

Sitelink extensions:Add additional links to your ad
Callout extensions: Add more business information to your ad
Structured snippet extensions: Add snippets of text to your ad
Call extensions:Add a phone number to your ad
Message extensions:Add text messaging to your ad
Location extension
Affiliate location extension
Price extensions:Add prices to your ad
App extensions:Add an app extension to your ad
Review extensions:Add a review to your ad
Promotion extension

We recommend that you use all manual extensions that fit your business. 

20. Automated Extension:

21. Call-only ad(In Ads Option: How click-to-call ads with a phone number

22. Text Ad – The standard type of AdWords ad.

Final URL - The final URL is the URL that people reach after clicking your ad. It should match what your ad promotes.
Headline 1-Headline 1 appears at the top of your ad and can be up to 30 characters.
Headline 2-Headline 2 appears after Headline 1 at the top of your ad and can be up to 30 characters.
Display path: The "Path" fields are part of your display URL (the green text under your headline text) and can be up to path 1, path-2 , 15 characters each.
Description - Your ad's description appears below the display URL and can be up to 80 characters.

23. Automated rule: A feature that automatically adjusts your ad statuses, budgets, and bids, so you don’t have to spend so much time manually monitoring your campaigns. The cool part about automated rules is that you can customize and fine-tune them to your individual account goals/KPIs.

24. Expanded landing page:  “Expanded landing page" is the URL that people who clicked on your ad are directed to after custom parameter and contextual substitutions (such as a keyword) are made. This column lists all of the expanded landing pages that are associated with your landing pages.

25.Ad Rotation: A preference that determines which ad in your ad group should show when you have multiple ads active.

26. Ad Delivery:  A setting that determines how quickly you want Google to use your budget each day: either spread throughout the day (standard) or more quickly (accelerated). This setting affects when during the day your ads are likely to show, especially if your campaigns are limited by budget.

27. Ad Position: The order in which your ad appears on a page in relation to other ads. For example, an ad position of "1" means that your ad has the highest position on the page relative to other ads of the same type. It doesn't necessarily mean that your ad is above the search results. If there are no ads above the search results, then it means that your ad is the first ad shown beneath search results.  Ad position refers to the position on a search engine results page (or SERP) in which your advertisements appear in relation to other ads on the page.

28. Ad Rank: This is calculated as the product of your bid and Quality Score. ad rank is a value determined by Google that determines the position and location on a page where your ads are shown.

How Does AdRank Impact Cost-Per-Click


29. Ad Status – A status for each ad that describes whether that ad is able to run, and if so, whether there are any policy restrictions on how or when it can run. Common ad statuses include Under Review, Eligible, Approved and more.

30. Campaign bid simulator:

31. Clicks: When someone clicks your ad, like on the blue headline of a text ad, AdWords counts that as a click. 

32. Impression: How often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network. An impression is counted each time your ad is served on Google's ad networks, such as on, YouTube, or other publisher websites and apps. Impressions help you understand how often your ad is being seen.

33.Clickthrough rate (CTR):  Clickthrough rate (CTR) measures how often people click your ad after it's shown to them, which can help you understand the effectiveness of your ad.
CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR. For example, if you had 5 clicks and 1000 impressions, then your CTR would be 0.5%.
if you had 3 clicks and 5 impressions, then your CTR would be 60.00%.

34. Cost -Cost is the sum of your spend during this period.

35.Average cost-per-click (CPC): Average cost-per-click (CPC) is the amount you've paid for your ad divided by its total clicks. If your ad receives 2 clicks, one costing $0.20 and one costing $0.40, your average CPC for those clicks is $0.30.

36.Maximum cost-per-click  - Maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) is the highest amount you're willing to pay for a click on your ad. Your max. CPC, Quality Score, and the max. CPCs of other participants in the ad auction are important factors in determining your ad rank.

38.Actual cost-per-click (CPC) : actual cost-per-click (actual CPC) is the final amount you're charged for a click.

37.Conversion: An action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad (for example, clicks a text ad or views a video ad) and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or a call to your business from a mobile phone. "Conversions" shows the number of conversions you received after ad interactions (such as text ad clicks or video ad views).

38.Conversion rate: Conversion rate (“Conv. rate”)  shows how often, on average, an ad interaction leads to a conversion. It’s “Conversions” divided by the interactions with your ad.

39.Cost per conversion: Cost per conversion (“Cost/conv.”) shows the average cost of a conversion. It’s your cost divided by your conversions.

39. Average Position: Or (Avg. Pos.), this AdWords metric shows how your ad ranks against other ads. This determines the order in which ads appear on a page.

40. Bounce Rate – Percent of people who enter your site but leave without visiting any other page.

41. Quality Score – Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions. This is multiplied with your max CPC to calculate your Ad Rank to see what your ad position will be. Quality Score is reported on a 1-10 scale.

Quality Score depends on multiple factors, including:

Your click-through rate (CTR).
The relevance of each keyword to its ad group.
Landing page quality and relevance.
The relevance of your ad text.
Your historical AdWords account performance.
Ad Extension

42. Keyword Matching Options – Keyword-level settings that help control how closely the keyword needs to match a person’s search term in order to trigger your ad. These include broad, modified broad, phrase, exact and negative match types. You also have the ability to specify whether or not you want your phrase and exact match terms to show for plurals, misspellings or close variants.

43. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in Adwords – Performance measurement that stems from your primary metric or what is most important to a particular business’s success. A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. For example, conversions and cost-per-acquisition can be popular KPIs for many PPC advertisers.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in Adwords depends on goals:
If goal is brand awareness KPI is impressions.
If goals is Lead Generation KPI is Clicks and CTR
If goal is improving ROI, KPI is conversions and conversion rate

44. Day Parting – Optimization technique where you adjust your ads to run during the most profitable hours and/or days. For example, if you run a call center that operates from 8-5, you can schedule ads to run during that timespan only.

45. AdWords API: This Application Programming Interface allows advertisers to interact with and edit their AdWords account through applications they create.

46. View-through conversions(in Conversion action: View-through conversions (“View-through conv.”) are conversions that are recorded when users view (but don’t interact with) an ad and then later convert. These conversions are counted based on a period of time called a view-through conversion window.

47. AdWords Labels – These allow advertisers to organize elements within their accounts into meaningful groups for faster and easier reporting. Labels can be applied to keywords, campaigns, ad groups, and ads.

48.AdWords Editor – A free software application by Google that allows you to make changes to your account in bulk. This allows users to add new campaigns/ad groups/keywords, make bid changes, and more.
49. Auction insight: The Auction insights report lets you compare your performance with other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions that you are. This information can help you make strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting choices by showing you where you're succeeding and where you may be missing opportunities for improved performance. The Auction insights report is available for both Search and Shopping campaigns.

50. Audience:  In PPC, audiences are used to define the customers you target with your PPC ads. An audience can also refer to a group of users that have visited one or more pages of a website or completed a specific action. After this happens, they are included on lists that can be used to enhance your Display Network and Remarketing efforts. Advertisers can also create custom combinations, which can be a good way to target more specific audiences. Audiences used to define the customers you target with your PPC ads.

51.Demographics- Select age, gender, parental status, household income According to require.

52. Ad schedule: Your ads are eligible to appear all days of the week, at all times of the day

52. Location: A setting that helps you show your ads to customers in a selected geographic location.

53.Device:  You can set your ads to target specific devices and ad space by clicking Devices in the page menu. Computers, Mobile, Tablet

54. Bid adjustment: Bid adjustments allow you to show your ads more or less frequently based on where, when, and how people search.

Bid adjustments are set by percentages.

Say you've got a campaign that performs well on mobile devices with a max CPC bid of US$1. To show your ad to more customers on mobile devices, you increase your bid by 20% for searches on mobile devices, resulting in a final bid amount of US$1.20. Here's the math:

Starting bid: $1
Mobile adjustment: $1 + ($1 x 20%) = $1.20
Resulting bid for searches on mobile devices: $1.20

In another example, let’s say you have a US$1 bid and would like to decrease it. To adjust it to US$0.80, select Decrease by 20%.

54. Advanced bid adjustment:

55. Opportunities: Opportunities look at your account's performance history, your campaign settings, and trends across Google to automatically generate suggestions that could improve your performance.

56.Landing pages: "Landing page" is the URL you entered in the Final URL or Mobile Final URL field while setting up your ads or keywords.

57. Change history:  A tool that lists the changes you’ve made to your account during the past two years. See details about changes like bid adjustments, status changes, keyword additions and more. This is particularly helpful because you can filter changes based on a specific date or date range.

58. Draft and experiment: Drafts and experiments let you propose and test changes to your Search and Display Network campaigns.

Campaign Drafts: A draft lets you prepare multiple changes to your campaign. If you like, you can then run your draft as an experiment.

Campaign Experiment: An experiment uses a portion of the original campaign’s traffic and budget. It runs alongside the original campaign, letting you compare the experiment’s performance to that of the original campaign.

Ad Variation: Ad variations allow you to easily create and test variations of your ads across multiple campaigns or your entire account. For example, you can test how well your ads perform if you were to change your call to action from "Buy now" to "Buy today." Or you can test changing your headline to "Call Now for a Free Quote" across ads in multiple campaigns.

59. Product group: A way to organize your Google Merchant Center product inventory in a Shopping campaign within AdWords. You create product groups using attributes derived from your product data, available within AdWords. Then you bid on these product groups.

59. Dynamic Search Ads (DSA: Dynamic Search Ads target relevant searches automatically based on your website, then use headlines automatically customized to people's actual searches.

Dynamic Search Ads, Select a targeting source:

  • Use Google's index of my website
  • Use URLs from my page feed only
  • Use URLs from both Google's index of my website and my page feed 

60. Keyword Match Type: A group of five keyword settings that help determine how closely a given keyword needs to match a search query in order to fire your ad.
61. Keyword Mining: The process of searching for relevant keywords for your ad groups.

62. Conversion – A desired action taken by a website visitor, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

62. Conversion action:  A specific customer action that you've defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or phone call. Tracking conversion actions lets you see how your ads lead to those valuable actions.

  • Conversion actions are available for several conversion sources, including website actions, calls, app downloads, and in-app actions (such as in-app purchases).
  • If you want to track more than one of the same kind of conversion action, such as a newsletter signup and a lead form submission on your website, you can create multiple conversion actions.
  • Occurrences of conversion actions are reported as conversions.

63.Conversion Optimizer – Also known as CPA bidding, this is a feature that uses historical conversion data to predict which clicks are likely to be valuable, then changes your bids to help you maximize conversions. To maximize results and give machine learning algorithms enough data to make informed bidding decisions, we recommend that you have at least 15 conversions in the past 30 days.

Cost per acquisition or cost per sale. Here the advertiser pays only if a purchase is made. This is relatively low-risk way to buy media because the advertiseronly pays when revenue
is driven. But many media companies won’t sell mediathis way because they mustassume all of the risk in thead buy. If no one buys, they make no money.

CPA (Cost Per acquisition - How many order/purchases did you get divided by your cost.

64.Conversion Type: Select the kind of conversions you want to track website,app,phone call.

65.Conversion windowThe conversion window is how long a conversion can be recorded after an ad interaction.

Example: Say your window is 30 days. If someone clicks your ad then makes a purchase 29 days later, it’s counted as a conversion. If they make the purchase 31 days after the ad click, it’s not counted as a conversion.

65. Search Attribution:

66. Assisted Conversions:

67. Assisting Devices:

66.Attribution model: The attribution model setting lets you choose how much credit each click gets for your conversions. You can attribute the credit to the customer's first click, last click, or a combination of multiple clicks. Attribution models can give you a better understanding of how your ads perform and can help you optimize across the user's conversion path.

To compare attribution models side-by-side, use the attribution modeling report.

67. Conversion Tag setupTo set up conversion tracking, you must have the global site tag and an event snippet on your website.

The global site tag adds visitors to your basic remarketing lists and sets new cookies on your domain, which will store information about the ad click that brought a user to your website. You must install this tag on every page of your website. 
Copy the tag below and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of every page of your website. You only need to install the global site tag once per account, even if you are tracking multiple actions.

Event snippet: The event snippet works with the global site tag to track actions that should be counted as conversions. Install this snippet on pages you'd like to track

Select which event you want to track.

Page load: Count conversions when someone loads a new page, such as an order confirmation page.

Click: Count conversions when customers click a button or link (such as a "Buy Now" button).

Copy the snippet below and paste it in thank you or confirmation page between the <body></body> tags of the page(s). 

70. Radius Targeting:  Radius targeting (also known as proximity targetingor "Target a radius") allows you to choose to show your ads to customers within a certain distance from your business, rather than choosing individual cities, regions, or countries. A business that only wants to reach specific cities, regions, or countries.

70. Adwords Tools,Billing and Setting:

71. Campaign subtype in Display Network: 

Standard display campaign : Pick your settings and targeting, and have some automation options
Gmail campaign: Show interactive ads to people as they browse their emails. 

72. Bidding in Display campaign:

Automated bid strategies, get more details Here.

Target CPA : Sets bids to get the most conversions possible while reaching your average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) goal.
Maximize clicks: Sets bids to help you get the most clicks within your budget.
Viewable CPM : Focuses on viewable impressions.

Manual bid strategies

Manual CPC : You set your own maximum cost-per-click (CPC) for your ads.

Enhanced CPC (ECPC): AdWords automatically adjusts your manual bids to try to maximize conversions

73 .CPM (Cost Per Mille)CPM is also called cost per thousand (CPT),Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM) is calculated dividing cost by impressions, and multiplying it by 1000, or multiplying CTR by CPC by 1000.

74.Avg. viewable CPM  - “Avg. viewable CPM” is the average amount you’ve been charged for 1,000 viewable impressions on Video and Display Network ads. 

Viewable impr: the standard for measuring the viewability of ads are as follows:

display ad is counted as viewable when at least 50% of its area is visible on the screen for at least 1 second. 
Note: For large display ads of 242,500 pixels or more, the ad is counted as viewable when at least 30% of it’s area is visible for at least 1 second.

video ad is counted as viewable when at least 50% of its area is visible on the screen while the video is playing for at least 2 seconds.

Standard, Accelerated, Accelerated for more impression.

76. Audiences or Target Audience : Audience targeting lets you target ads to people based on their interests or the sites they visit. AdWords may use data from your Audience sources to improve the bidding and targeting of your audience campaigns.

a. Affinity:  Groups of people based on their long term interest
b. Intent: Consumers actively researching products
c. Remarketing: People who previously interacted with your business and similar audiences

77. Content Targeting: where you want your ads to show Narrow your reachwith Keywords, Topics, or Placements

KeywordsKeyword targeting lets you choose words or phrases related to your products or services. The keywords you choose help show your ads on relevant websites, apps, and videos.

TopicsTopic targeting is a simple way to place your ads on many webpages, apps, and videos about a certain subject. 

Topics are based on broad industries or interests, such as agriculture or music. For example, by targeting the "Autos & Vehicles" topic, your ad may appear on websites, apps, or YouTube videos with content about cars or other automotive themes.

PlacementsAdd placements to target specific locations on the Google Display Network or YouTube.

On the Display Network, a placement can be an entire website, a specific page of a site, or a mobile app. On YouTube, a placement can be a channel or a video.

For Video campaigns only: When you add Display Network placements, your ad may still run in all eligible locations on YouTube. And when you add YouTube placements, your ad may still run in all eligible locations across the Display Network.

78. Demographics:  Reach people based on age, gender, parental status, or household income

79. Automated targeting:  if using custom affinity audience make sure that  “No automated targeting” checked.

80.Create Ads in Display Campaign: Responsive ad, upload display ad, copy existing ad

Responsive ad:  

short headline : The short headline is the first line of your ad, and appears in tight ad spaces where the long headline doesn't fit. Short headlines can be up to 25 characters, and may appear with or without your description.
long headline :The long headline is the first line of your ad, and appears instead of your short headline in larger ads. Long headlines can be up to 90 characters, and may appear with or without your description.
Description :The description adds to the headline and invites people to take action. It can be up to 90 characters, and may appear after the (short or long) headline. The description doesn't show in all sizes and formats.
Business name :The business name is the name of your business or brand. In certain layouts, it may appear in the text of your ad. 25 characters.

81. Frequency Crapping: Frequency capping helps control the maximum number of times an individual user sees your ad on the Display Network. Set a limit to how many times your ads appear to the same user on the Display Network.

82.Call to action text:  add text to encourage people to take action

83.Flexible/ Portfolio Bid Strategies: Portfolio bid strategies let you automatically set bids for multiple campaigns.  Flexible bid strategies automatically set bids to optimize for certain goals across set campaigns, ad groups and keywords.

83.TrueView Video Ads – Available in in-stream, in-slate, in-search and/or in-display formats, these are video ads through AdWords that give viewers the choice over which messages they want to see and when.

84. YouTube search results: Ads can appear next to search results on YouTube. You can use video discovery ads only.

84. YouTube videos: Ads can appear on YouTube videos, channel pages, and the YouTube homepage. You can use in‑stream and video discovery ads.

85. Video partners on the Display Network: Video partners extend the reach of video ads to a collection of sites and apps in the Google Display Network. Including video partners will help you reach new audiences outside of YouTube.

86. Maximum CPV: Your bid amount is the most you want to pay per view, which influences how your ad is ranked.

87. Maximum CPM: Your bid amount is the most you want to pay each time your ad is shown 1,000 

88.Target CPA: AdWords automatically sets bids to give you as many conversions as possible at your target cost-per-acquisition.

89. In-stream ad- In-stream ads play before, during, or after another video on YouTube or video partners on the Display Network. They give viewers the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds.

90.Video discovery ad- Video discovery ads can appear on YouTube search results, next to related videos, or on the YouTube homepage. They invite users to click on a thumbnail, consisting of an image and some text, to watch the ad.

91. Bumper ad - A bumper ad is a short video ad that plays before, during, or after another video on YouTube or the Display Network.
The video must be 6 seconds or less and viewers don’t have the option to skip your ad. You pay based on impressions, which is the number of times your ad is shown.

92.Remarketing – Allows advertisers to show ads to users who’ve previously visited your website as they browse other sites on the Display Network. This creates a network of high-intent and relevant users that have the opportunity to click on your ad and return to your site to make a purchase.

93. Setup Remarketing Tracking tag: Remarketing  tag replaced by Global site tag 

94.Google Merchant Center – A tool that helps advertisers upload product listings and feeds to be used for Google Shopping, Google Product Ads, and Google Commerce Search.

95. Product Listing Ads (PLA) – Search ads that include rich product information, such as images, pricing, and business names, without requiring additional keywords or ad text. Ads of this nature appear under the Google Shopping results automatically for consumer queries relating to one of your product offerings.

96. impression share : Two impression metrics track how prominent your ads are: impression share (IS) and absolute top impression share (ATIS).

Impression share: Impression share (IS) is the percentage of impressions that your ads receive compared to the total number of impressions that your ads could get.

Impression share = impressions / total eligible impressions

Eligible impressions are estimated using many factors, including targeting settings, approval statuses, and quality. Impression share data is available for campaigns, ad groups, product groups (for Shopping campaigns), and keywords.

Impression share is a good way to understand whether your ads might reach more people if you increase your bid or budget

Absolute top impression share: Absolute top impression share (ATIS) is the percentage of your Shopping ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Shopping position. There’s only one “absolute top impression” per auction so your absolute top impression share is an important indicator of your overall prominence.

Absolute top impression share = absolute top impressions / total eligible top impressions

Absolute top impression share can help you understand whether your products might appear more prominently in Shopping ad results if you increase your bid or budget. ATIS is available for campaigns, ad groups, and product groups (for Shopping campaigns).

Every professional should know about PPC Calculation to making cost-effective campaign

How it works for Shopping campaigns

Impression share for Shopping campaigns is calculated similarly to text ads. However, this metric considers that multiple Shopping ads from the same advertiser can show at the same time. 
To avoid double counting when multiple Shopping ads from the same advertiser are in the same auction, AdWords assigns the impression and the impression opportunity to the highest ranked Shopping ad from that advertiser. When that impression is in the most prominent possible position, it’s also counted in absolute top impression share.

Absolute top impression share includes all auctions where your ad is shown in the most prominent position divided by all auctions where your ad could have been shown in the most prominent position.
Keep in mind that impression share and absolute top impression share are not available for Showcase Shopping ads.

97. Showcase Shopping ads: A type of Shopping ad with information about several related products. These ads are more likely to show when people search for more general terms rather than for a specific product. So you might use these to advertise a specific brand or to introduce your business with a special selection of products. 
You can create these ads with Shopping campaigns, and the ads can appear on Google Shopping, Google Search, and Google Search Partners.
Showcase Shopping ads are available in Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, India, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the UK, and the US. You may create Showcase Shopping ads using the new AdWords experience and the AdWords API. If you want to advertise individual products, check out Product Shopping ads

98. Product Shopping ad: A type of ad with information about a product such as an image, title, price, and link to your store. The product information is submitted through a linked Google Merchant Center account. 
You can create these ads with Shopping campaigns, and the ads can appear on Google Shopping, Google Search, and Google Search Partners.

99. Mobile ad - Mobile ads are what your mobile searchers see on their devices. Google AdWords has WAP mobile ads and “ads for high-end mobile devices”.

100. Google AdWords Manager Accounts (formerly My Client Center or MCC): Monitor and manage all of your AdWords accounts from a single dashboard. Save time with cross-account campaign management and reporting, access control, and consolidated billing.

101. Referrer URL: The address of the webpage where a person clicked a link that sent them to your page.
  • The referrer is the webpage that sends visitors to your site using a link. In other words, it’s the webpage that a person was on right before they landed on your page.
  • Referrer URLs are logged by many web analytics programs including Google Analytics. You can monitor these URLs to get insight into where your web traffic is coming from.

102. Campaign mapping: Checking the Campaign, Target the right audience for your campaign with a systematic approach and tweak it if required to maximize the ROI.

103. Ad copy: Ad copy is a term that refers to the main text of a clickable advertisement, whether it is a contextual or a pay per click ad.

104. Customer acquisition cost (CAC): CAC is calculated by dividing all marketing expenses by the number of customers acquired in the same period. For example, if a company spent $10,000 on marketing in a year and acquired 10,000 customers as a result, its CAC is $1.00.

105. Expanded text ads:

106. Virtual Private Network (VPN):A virtual Private Network enables you to connect to the internet using an IP address other than your own. As an example, you can be located in New York City, New York and pretend that you are actually accessing the Internet from London, UK, or anywhere else in the world.

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