Common Interview Questions


It s very important to answer effectively and confidently during the interview. These are the common question asked by the interviewer; need to answer frequently and without hesitation. You will get a positive response if you prepare these questions in advance and very helpful during the job interviews.

1.   Introduce Yourself

Start off with the 2-3 specific accomplishments or experiences that you most want the interviewer to know about, then wrap up talking about how that prior experience has positioned you for this specific role.

2.  Tell me about your strengths and weakness

When you are asked about your greatest strengths, it's important to discuss the attributes that will qualify you for the specific job. Interviewers will ask is about your weaknesses. Do your best to frame your answers around positive aspects of your skills and abilities as an employee.

3.  Why did you leave (or plan to leave) your present employer?

Definitely keep things positive—you have nothing to gain by being negative about your past employers. Instead, frame things in a way that shows that you're eager to take on new opportunities and that the role you’re interviewing for is a better fit for you than your current or last position.

4.  Why should I hire you? or What makes you the best fit for this position? or Why do you think should we take you for this job?

When you’re getting ready for the interview, take a moment to review the job description. Make a list of the requirements for the position, including personality traits, skills, and qualifications. Then, make a list of the qualities you have that fit these requirements.

5.  Where do you see yourself five years from now?

When answering the question, “where do you see yourself in five years?” it is important to structure you answer by covering a few topics, such as:

Your Interest in the Job
Your Core Strengths
Your Professional Goals
Where you would like to be each year

6.  Why do you want to work at our company? Or Why are you here interviewing with us?

The interviewer is looking for similar things whether asking about company or position. The hiring manager wants to:

Learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan
Make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform if hired
Find out what you know about the company, industry, position (and if you took the time to research)
Understand your priorities and preferences — which aspects of the company and/or job are appealing to you and why?

7.  Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

With behavioral questions, interviewers seek examples of how you’ve handled specific situations in the past. The idea is that past job performance will say a lot about how you would handle yourself if hired for the job at hand.

8.  What are your goals for the future?

This question is designed to find out if you’re going to stick around or move on as soon as you find a better opportunity. Keep your answer focused on the job and the company you’re interviewing with.

9.  What type of work environment do you prefer?

If you have an upcoming interview, focus on your past work environments and which environments you excel in. If you have a rough idea of what the work environment is like, make sure you provide an answer that increases your chances of success. Match your experiences and abilities to that environment; showing the interviewer that you bring something to the table. Stay calm, focused, and confident. If you’re prepared and composed during an interview, you’re more likely to get the job.

10. How much salary do you expect?

Expect salary as per my working knowledge, skills, and company policy.

11. Describe a situation where you worked in a team.

It is essential that you discuss the methods that your team put in place in order to work together effectively and achieve success. Recruiters want to know that you have experience working in cohesive and successful team environments – outside of work as well as at work.

12. What has been your greatest achievement?

It is important that you pick an achievement that you are genuinely proud of, something that is true to you. When we tell stories we naturally relive the emotions we felt during that time and you want to be passionate and engaging when talking to your interviewer.

13. You seem to be working with the same company for a long time. - Why?

In your answer what you must aim to achieve is to portray the fact that you stayed with that organisation for "such a long time" as a positive thing, as a conscious decision you made.

14. What was Your role in last company?

It’s vital that your answer should cite one or more examples which are directly relevant to the role for which you are now applying. The chances are that your previous role(s) will have prepared you in various ways to meet the challenge of your next job. Try to ascertain what is likely to be most of interest to the interviewer. What are the key requirements of this vacancy? What have you learned that will ensure you meet those requirements?

15. How do you handle stress and pressure?

The best way to answer this question is to give an example of how you have handled stress in a previous job. That way, the interviewer can get a clear picture of how well you work in stressful situations. You might even consider mentioning how a little stress can be a helpful motivator for you. You can provide an example of a time the stress of a difficult project helped you be a more creative and productive worker.

16. What do you know about us?

The interviewer wants to make sure you’ve done your homework, that you really understand what their organisation is all about – and that you consequently have a realistic expectation of what it would be like to work for such an organisation. Make sure you put a positive spin on any points you raise and, if at all possible, communicate how you feel you are well suited to working for such an organisation.

17. Tell me about your company and in which area they dealing?

Introduce your company and their dealing work areas.

18. Do you consider yourself successful?

The easy part of your response is to assert confidently that you do consider yourself a success. Make sure you look the recruiter in the eye and sell the statement with a confident tone. The goal is to demonstrate your determination and willingness to take on challenges and achieve results.

19. What was your exact job profile in your previous company?

Your description of your current responsibilities will provide a good idea of the work that you’re capable of doing at this point in your career. Your description of your current responsibilities will provide a good idea of the work that you’re capable of doing at this point in your career.

20. What are your good qualities? 

When confronted with this interview question, remember the interviewer is looking for a fit. he or she is forming a picture of you based on your answers.  My strength is my flexibility to handle change.

21. Do you have any questions for us?

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